CBS4, please reconsider this decision. Stacey is the reason I started watching your news broadcasts in the first place. You lost a lot of credibility with me when you decided to present the bad-grammar-and-blogger-presentation style of Gloria Neal and now this. It saddens me that all broadcast news organizations feel that chasing ratings means replacing their intelligent and professional news- and weather-casters with flashy fluff. I’ll be getting my news and weather exclusively from the internet now if Stacey does not land at one of the other local stations.
Stacey Donaldson gets heave-ho

2 Replies to “NOOOOOOO!!!!”

  1. I agree. They are making a horrible decision. They should consider re-vamping the folks at the desk before they go messing with Stacey. She has great energy, chemistry, and they will be at a loss in the end. Great post. Glad we think the same.

  2. I also think the ecomony has a lot to do with the decision. A lot of stations are into bringing in half-priced talent, with less experience, less charisma, and in turn they are less watchable.

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